随着网络技术和计算技术的发展,多媒体通信作为一种重要的应用领域,获得了越来越多的应用,而其中重要的一个研究主题就是实时调度的效率。传统的实时调度算法有着良好的理论模型,但是由于忽略了许多系统开销,其性能有待提高。该文针对多媒体通信的周期性和实时性提出了一种延迟抢占的策略,与传统立即抢占的模型相比,取得了更好的实际效果,提高了CPU的利用率。With the rapid deployment of multimedia applications, the need for real-time scheduling in embedded system continues to increase. However, the strict preemptive nature of traditional scheduling algorithms such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) and Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) leads to inefficiencies specially in application to schedule protocol processing at high speeds or multimedia encode/decode computation. This paper presents a modified RM scheme called RM with Delayed Preemption (DP-RM). The analysis shows that our scheme solves some scheduling efficiency problems.