As many circuits and applications now enter the Gigahertz frequencyarena, accurate digital timing and jitter measurements have become crucialin the design, verification, characterization, and application of electroniccircuits. To be successful in this endeavor, an engineer needs a knowledgebase covering instrumentation, measurement techniques, jitter and timingconcepts, statistics, and transmission line theory. Very often even the mostexperienced digital test engineer – while mastering some of those subjects –lacks systematic knowledge or experience in the high speed signal area.The goal of this book is to give a compact yet in-depth overview on allthose subjects. The emphasis is on practical concepts and real-life guidelinesthat can be readily put into practice. It unites in one place a variety ofinformation relevant to high speed testing and measurement, signal fidelity,and instrumentation.To keep the text easily readable – after all this is an introductory book –we refrained from putting references directly into the text. For readersinterested in further study of any of the subjects we highly recommendchecking out the “References and Further Reading” section at the end of thisbook which contains the titles of a large selection of additional books,papers, and application notes that were the basis for this work.A final word to all numerical values – for reasons of consistency thisbook uses international (SI) units throughout – this means that somenumerical factors in the formulas are different compared to the originalliterature they were taken from.We always appreciate feedback. If you have comments or questions,please direct them to
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