The LTC6102/LTC6102HV are versatile, high voltage, high-side current sense amplifiers. Their high supply voltage rating allows their use in almost any application, while the low drift and offset ensure accuracy across a wide range of operating conditions.The LTC6102/LTC6102HV monitor current via the voltage across an external sense resistor (shunt resistor). Internal circuitry converts input voltage to output current, allowing a small sense signal on a large common mode voltage to be translated to a ground-referred signal. Low DC offset allows the use of very low shunt resistor values and large gain-setting resistors. As a result, power loss in the shunt is reduced.The wide operating supply and high accuracy make the LTC6102/LTC6102HV ideal for a large array of applications from automotive to industrial and power management. A maximum input sense voltage of 2V allows a wide range of currents and voltages to be monitored. Fast response makes the LTC6102/LTC6102HV the perfect choice for load current warnings and shutoff protection control. The LTC6102/LTC6102HV are available in 8-lead MSOP and 3mm x 3mm DFN packages.