This document contains device specific information for the following devices:• PIC18F248• PIC18F258These devices are available in 28-pin, 40-pin and 44-pin packages. They are differentiated from each other in four ways:1. PIC18FX58 devices have twice the Flashprogram memory and data RAM of PIC18FX48 devices (32 Kbytes and 1536 bytes vs.16 Kbytes and 768 bytes, respectively).2. PIC18F2X8 devices implement 5 A/D channels,as opposed to 8 for PIC18F4X8 devices.3. PIC18F2X8 devices implement 3 I/O ports,while PIC18F4X8 devices implement 5.4. Only PIC18F4X8 devices implement theEnhanced CCP module, analog comparatorsand the Parallel Slave Port.All other features for devices in the PIC18FXX8 family,including the serial communications modules, areidentical. These are summarized in Table 1-1.Block diagrams of the PIC18F2X8 and PIC18F4X8 devices are provided in Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-2, respectively. The pinouts for these device families are listed in Table 1-2.