描述:Circular MIL Spec Connector AB 4C 4#0 SKT PLUG Product Attribute:Attribute Value Manufacturer:Amphenol(安费诺) Product Category:Circular MIL Spec Connector
在实验室原有电路板的基础上自己焊了核心板,打开ccs后可以正常连接,但烧写flash时出现"the PartId location (0x380090)have beenhave been added to the memory map",然后就需要输入密码,因为是新的芯片,按道理不会有密码的,我全部输入ffff也不行。跑ram程序也不行。网上搜索了一下,说可能是没有选择Boot to flash
在最近的更新中,micropython的源码里添加了使用用户C/C++模块的例子,方便增加自己的功能模块。stm32: Support C++ code and user C modules written in C++.Also build user C modules as part of the stm32 CI.https://github.com/micropython/micropyt