1 Introduction
This document introduces the three stages of reliability and shows the current generation of TI industrial
grade EP product is designed to support a useful lifetime of 10 year operati
有个问题不吝向先进求助:1. SAM-L10-L11 series MCU 它本身有3个OP,但datasheet(SAM-L10-L11-Family-Data-Sheet-DS60001513C.pdf)
P20,P21页却未显示OP 1(OA1OUT)有输出脚,该如何解决?
2. P1075~P1080 看似各 OP 可以相衔接,OP1 没有输出脚,各位先进可否让我了解如何 OP 与
我用的是米尔科技的MYB-AM3358开发板,想要在SYSBIOS下进行调试,建立的Project是ccs5.3下给的Hello Example 模板,没做任何修改,连接仿真器,烧写的时候出问题,烧写不进去,给的提示是Can\'t find a source file at "c:\\users\\qmx\\appdata\\local\\temp\\ti_mkl~3\\src/exit.c"