描述:Circuit Breakers An extremely versatile range of rocker switch/thermal circuit breakers Product Attribute:Attribute Value Manufacturer:E-T-A Circuit Breakers Product Category:Circuit Breakers
这个问题比较可笑吧。可是我就是搞不定,现在网上down下了一个例子程序,是读出SD卡的一个test.txt文件。[code]BOOL CSDMMCDlg::OnInitDialog(){CDialog::OnInitDialog();// Set the icon for this dialog.The framework does this automatically//when the app
我有两个.msi安装包,A.msi和B.msi。在windows xp下都能正确安装。但在XPE中一个能安装,一个就失败,报错“This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package”。