918 PIERS Proceedings Suzhou China September 1216 2011 Optical Single Sideband Modulation of 9GHz RoF System Based on FWM Eects of SOA P H Hsie1 W S Tsai1 C C Weng1 and H H Lu2 1Department of Electrical Engineering Ming Chi University of Technology 84 Gungjuan Rd Taishan Taipei 24301 Taiwan 2Department of ElectroOptical Engineering National Taipei University of Technology 1 Sec3 ChungHsiao E Rd Taipei 10608 Taiwan ROC Abstract We propose an optical single sideband OSSB modulation scheme using se......
PIERS Proceedings, Suzhou, China, September 12–16, 2011
Optical Single Sideband Modulation of 9-GHz RoF System Based
on FWM Effects of SOA
P. H. Hsie
W. S. Tsai
C. C Weng
and H. H. Lu
Department of Electrical Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology
84 Gungjuan Rd., Taishan, Taipei 24301, Taiwan
Department of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology
1, Sec.3, Chung-Hsiao E. Rd., Taipei 10608, Taiwan, R.O.C.
We propose an optical single sideband (OSSB) modulation scheme using self-phase
modulation (SPM), cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing (FWM) effects of SOA
to achieve wavelength conversion. Drive with the 9 GHz RF signal into electro-absorption mod-
ulator laser (EML) and IM modulator. By properly adjust the phase shifter for phase difference
between the two paths of electrical signal. FWM signal is OSSB format for a 25 km SMF trans-
mission. Finally, we use an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) to observe optical spectrum.
In traditional intensity modulation, the optical carrier is modulated to generate an optical signal
with double sideband (DSB) format. DSB modulation produces two sidebands on both sides of the
carrier, and the beating components between the carrier and two sidebands induce interference at
the receiver. Over a long haul fiber transmission, RF signal will cause severe power degradation
due to chromatic dispersion [1]. This phenomenon will degrade systems’ performance. In order to
overcome RF power degradation due to fiber dispersion, optical single sideband (OSSB) modulation
technique must be implemented [2]. The fact that OSSB modulation can remove a half of the
optical spectrum is expected to attain a dispersion benefit because the optical spectrum has been
reduced by a factor of two. Several OSSB generation methods [3–6] have been proposed. By
eliminating one of the sidebands, OSSB modulation not only immunizes to fiber dispersion, but it
also increases the spectral efficiency twice. One way for generating OSSB signals is to exploit the
Hilbert transform [7]. Using a dual electrode Mach-Zehnder modulator can be reality to generate
OSSB signal [8]. Another way to generate OSSB signals is to utilize narrow optical filter. The
narrow optical filter at the end of the ODSB transmitter output can eliminate one of the sidebands
to achieve OSSB modulation [9]. Optical amplifier plays an important role in a long haul fiber
transmission system, the use of semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) as an optical amplifier is very
attractive since it can potentially be used to help upgrade fiber penetration, easily integrated and
small compact. However, SOA also has several nonlinearity effects such as self-phase modulation