The interior structures of small planetary bodies such as asteroids and comets are anenigma, yet understanding them has immense value. Knowing the internal structure is important for understanding the formation and evolution of the solar system and also hasimplications for in-situ resource exploitation and planetary defense from asteroids. Despitethe immense value, no detailed investigation of the interior properties of an asteroid has yetbeen made. Although orbital radar and lander based seismological approaches have beenproposed to make direct interior observations, it has not yet been demonstrated that radarcould transmit through a rocky asteroid, nor that landing multiple seismometers is feasible or affordable. An elegant alternative to landed seismometers is orbital laser Dopplervibrometry, which could record seismic shaking of a small body without contact with thesurface. Laser Doppler vibrometers (LDVs) are mature instruments for terrestrial applications; and could function similarly in a space environment. However, when incident on arough surface like an asteroid regolith, an LDV is subject to laser speckle noise which maybe misinterpreted as seismic shaking. I address the challenge of making LDV measurementson naturally rough surfaces by quantifying the laser speckle noise that an orbital LDV wouldencounter during a hypothetical orbital measurement. Specifically, I simulate an LDV measurement of a seismic signal generated by an impact source on the asteroid 101955 Bennu.
I demonstrate that speckle noise can be attenuated by combining multiple signals recordedby an orbital seismometer equipped with multiple LDV sensors. By mitigating laser speckle,I demonstrate that an orbital LDV can record seismic signals on a natural asteroid surface,which would enable an orbital seismometer to achieve the dense global coverage necessaryfor high resolution interior imaging.
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