Touchless hand gesture is an emerging technology for human computerinteraction. This thesis investigates the feasibility of a hybrid system using frequencymodulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar and ultrasound sensors to detect varioushand movement for controlling a computer. Ultrasound will be used for near-rangeapplication (1 cm to 30 cm) based on range estimation. FMCW radar, on the otherhand, will be used for far-range application (30 cm to 120 cm) based on range,velocity, and angle of arrival estimation. A noise removal algorithm and a range gatingalgorithm to separate human hand and human body will also be introduced in thisthesis. Leveraging the advantages of combining both ultrasound and FMCW radar willfacilitate human hand to interact computer with better performance. These detectedhand gestures will be applied to remote control of computers or smart TVs at adistance from 0 cm to 120 cm.