ARM LPC214X例程/*****************************************************************************
* readme.txt: Description of the LPC213x/4x Sample Software
* Copyright(C) 2006, Philips Semiconductor
* All rights reserved.
* History
* 2006.02.01 ver 1.00 Preliminary version, first Release
Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only which
provides customers with programming information regarding the products.
This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. Philips Semiconductors
assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software, conveys no
license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to the
product. Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the
software without notification. Philips Semiconductors also make no representation
or warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use without
further testing or modification.
The Description of the sample software
===================This example demonstrates the use of build-in peripherals on the Philips
LPC213x/214x family MCUs.The sample software includes, common library, peripheral APIs, and test modules
for the APIs. The common library include startup file, standard definition and
header files, processor specific setup module, generic interrupt related APIs,
timer routine, and scatter loading file. The peripheral directories include,
GPIO, PWM, Real-time clock, timer, SPI, I2C, Watchdog timer, UART, external
interrupt, etc.
The development environment is ARM's RealView Development Kits for Philips (RVDK)
with RVI-ME ICE. The target board is Keil's, now an ARM Company, MCB214x with a
Philips's LPC214x MCU on it.Some external components, such as I2C temperature, SPI serial EEPROM, will be
required to add on the board in order to complete the test below.
The directory tree and content of the sample software
-- inc
-- lpc214x.h Definition file of all the registers of LPC213x/4x
-- irq.h Interrupt related definitions and API prototyping
-- type.h Type definition
-- target.h Target specific definition for Keil's MCB214x board
-- timer.h Definition and header file for timer module
-- mem_b.scf Scatter loader for code running in SRAM
-- mem_c.scf Scatter loader for code running in flash
-- src
-- startup.s Code start up entry
-- heap.s Heap entry definition
-- stack.s Stack entry definition
-- swi_handler.s SWI handler
-- irq.c Generic interrupt handler related APIs
-- target.c Target specific modules
-- timer.c Timer related APIsGPIO
-- fio.h GPIO and fast I/O header
-- fio.c GPIO and fast I/O APIs
-- fiotest.c GPIO and Fast I/O test module
-- gpio.prj RVDK project file
-- extint.h External interrupt header
-- extint.c External interrupt APIs
-- einttest.c External interrupt test module
-- extint.prj RVDK project fileTimer
-- tmrtest.c Timer test module, note: API modules
are in the COMMON directory and
shared and used by some peripheral testing.
-- timer.prj RVDK project filePWM
-- pwmc.h PWM header
-- pwm.c PWM APIs
-- pwmtest.c PWM test module
-- pwm.prj RVDK project fileSPI
-- spi.h SPI header
-- spi.c SPI APIs
-- spitest.c SPI test module
-- spi.prj RVDK project file
-- uart.h UART header
-- uart.c UART APIs
-- uarttest.c UART test module
-- uart.prj RVDK project fileRTC
-- rtc.h Real-time clock(RTC) header
-- rtc.c Real-time clock(RTC) APIs
-- rtctest.c Real-time clock(RTC) test module
-- rtc.prj RVDK project file
-- i2c.h I2C header
-- i2c.c I2C APIs
-- i2ctest.c I2C test module
-- i2c.prj RVDK project fileWDT
-- wdt.h Watchdog timer header
-- wdt.c Watchdog timer APIs
-- wdttest.c Watchdog timer test module
-- wdt.prj RVDK project file