文章对具有自主知识产权且成本低廉的磁传感器的设计原理、实验条件和信号特性进行了分析, 其中信号特性包括测试精度、重复性及稳定性。以该磁传感器为感知元件, 基于对其信号特性的认识, 根据模糊控制原理设计的车道追踪控制器实现了基于磁道钉导航的智能公路车道追踪控制任务, 并且控制精度达到了既定要求。实车试验结果表明, 该磁传感器是可用的, 作者对其信号特性的认识是正确的。关键词 磁传感器 智能公路 车道追踪Abstract: Th is paper analyses the design theo ry, experimental condit ion and signal characters of a low 2co st magnet ic senso r,w h ich has been developed by N at ional center of ITS Engineering & Techno logy (NC ITSET ) , and is ow ned by R IOH. It began the study of lane2fo llow ing on in2 telligent h ighw ayw ith magnet icmarkers embedded along the centerline of lane roadw ay in O ctober 2000. NC ITSET has go t nat ional patent of th is senso r. Such characterist ics of the signal from the senso r as measuring p recision, reappearing po ssibility and stability are invest igated in th is paper. U sing the developed senso r as detect ing device, a softw are cont ro ller w ith acco rdance to fuzzy cont ro l theo ry has accomp lished the task of mak ing a samp le veh icle run in the p rescribed lane on the intelligent h ighw ay. In the meant ime, its result has also reached the p recision requirements. Experiment result show s that no t only the developed senso r is p ract ical but w hat found here aboutthe characterist ics of signal from the senso r is also co rrect.Keywords: magnet ic senso r; intelligent h ighw ay; lane2fo llow ing
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