The ICL761X series is a family of CMOS operationalamplifiers. These devices provide the designer with highperformance operation at low supply voltages and selectablequiescent currents, and are an ideal design tool when ultralow input current and low power dissipation are desired.The basic amplifier will operate at supply voltages rangingfrom ±1V to ±8V, and may be operated from a singleLithium cell.A unique quiescent current programming pin allows settingof standby current to 1mA, 100μA, or 10μA, with no externalcomponents. This results in power consumption as low as20μW. The output swing ranges to within a few millivolts ofthe supply voltages.Of particular significance is the extremely low (1pA) inputcurrent, input noise current of 0.01pA/√Hz, and 1012Ω inputimpedance. These features optimize performance in veryhigh source impedance applications.The inputs are internally protected. Outputs are fullyprotected against short circuits to ground or to either supply.AC performance is excellent, with a slew rate of 1.6V/μs, andunity gain bandwidth of 1MHz at IQ = 1mA.Because of the low power dissipation, junction temperaturerise and drift are quite low. Applications utilizing thesefeatures may include stable instruments, extended lifedesigns, or high density packages.