The selectable lowpass/bandpass filter IC Is aCMOS chip that can be configured for either alowpass or a bandpass filter. The lowpassresponse can be a 7 pole Butterworth, Ellipticor Bessel filter. The band pass response can bea six pole full, third or sixth octave bandpassfilter. The device uses switched-capacitor filtersand no external components (except fordecoupling capacitors) are required, Only anexternal CMOS level clock is needed.A four input multiplexor and externally selectablegain setting pin, along with a power downand clock to corner ratio select pin are includedin the 16 pin version. An 8 pin version is alsoavailable for PC board area savings. Typicalcurrent consumption is as low as 200 uA andthe minimum operating voltage is 2.7 volts,making the device ideal for portable applications.MSFS3, MSFS4 and MSFS6 are low current,lower frequency versions.