与 C 和BASIC 一样,LabVIEW也是通用的编程系统,有一个完成任何编程任务的庞大函数库。LabVIEW的函数库包括数据采集、GPIB、串口控制、数据分析、数据显示及数据存储,等等。LabVIEW[1]也有传统的程序调试工具,如设置断点、以动画方式显示数据及其子程序(子VI)的结果、单步执行等等,便于程序的调试。
简介:LabVIEW 官方基础教程 LabVIEW 官方基础教程:LabVIEW Fundamentals (Simplified Chinese)
版本日期: August 2006
产品编号: 374029B-0118, 324029B-0118
软件修订版本: 8.2
This manual describes LabVIEW programming concepts, techniques, features, VIs, and functions you can use to create test and measurement, data acquisition, instrument control, datalogging, measurement analysis, and report generation applications.
This manual is a subset of the content available in the LabVIEW Help, which includes all the content in this manual. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about any of the concepts described in this manual.
This manual does not include specific information about each palette, tool, menu, dialog box, control or indicator, or built-in VI or function. Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about these items and for detailed, step-by-step instructions for using LabVIEW features and for building specific applications.
Before you read this manual, use the Getting Started with LabVIEW manual as a tutorial to familiarize yourself with the LabVIEW graphical programming environment and the basic LabVIEW features you use to build data acquisition and instrument control applications.
简介:LabVIEW入门到深入学习资料 LabVIEW 的第一个版本发布于1986年,是在 Macintosh 机上实现的,后来才移植到了PC机上,并且LabVIEW 从未放弃过对跨平台的支持。这也给 LabVIEW 带来了一些麻烦。最明显的就是LabVIEW开发环境的界面风格。它总是与一般的 Windows 应用程序有些格格不入:面板是深灰色的,按键钮是看起来别别扭扭的 3D 模样。还有一些可能不太容易发现:比如对于整数的存储,LabVIEW即便是运行在x86系统上,采用的也是高地址位存高位数据(big-ending)。这与我们习惯了的x86 CPU使用的格式正相反,这往往给编写存取二进制文件带来了不多不少的麻烦。