简介: BluetoothRF-MagicBluetoothBluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetoothBluetooth Bluetooth23Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetoothBluetooth4BluetoothBluetoothBluetooth Bluetooth5BluetoothBluetoothBluetooth BluetoothBluetoothBluetooth 6Bluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetoothFigure 5. Bluetooth General Packet FormatBluetooth RF Test SpecificationBluetoothFigure 6. Bluetooth Protocol Stack, Basic Layers.7BluetoothBluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetooth RF Test SpecificationBluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth8BluetoothBluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth Bluetooth BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth RF Test SpecificationBurst Length POLL Test Packet POLLBurst Length Test ……
简介:【摘要】提出了一种在通信电台中嵌入蓝牙技术,利用蓝牙模块并结合个人数字助理技术完成无线遥控功能的蓝牙遥控器系统软硬件设计方案。采用该方案,改造了电台的遥控接口,实现了蓝牙遥控器,使便携式通信电台的使用更方便、具有更强的移动性。关 键 词 蓝牙技术; 蓝牙遥控器; 通信电台; 协议栈; PDA模块; 蓝牙模块Bluetooth is a short range and low power wireless network technology.The remote controller of portable radio station needs a wireless link. In this paper, a hardware and software designing of Bluetooth remote controller system is presented, which is implemented through embedding bluetooth technology to radio station, using bluetooth module along with personal digital assistant (PDA) module. With this solution, remote interface of radio station is improved, bluetooth remote controller makes it more portable and its operation more convenient for portable radio station.