时序逻辑设计实践 (Sequential Logic Design Practices)The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with the mostcommonly used and dependable sequential-circuit designmethods. Therefore, we will emphasize synchronous systems, thatis, systems in which all flip-flops are clocked by the same,common clock signal. Although it’s true that all the world does not march tothe tick of a common clock, within the confines of a digital system orsubsystem we can make it so. When we interconnect digital systems orsubsystems that use different clocks, we can usually identify a limitednumber of asynchronous signals that need special treatment, as we’ll showlater.We begin this chapter with a quick summary of sequential circuitdocumentation standards. After revisiting the most basic building blocks ofsequential-circuit design—latches and flip-flops—we describe some of themost flexible building blocks—sequential PLDs. Next we show howcounters and shift registers are realized in both MSI devices and PLDs, andshow some of their applications. Finally, we show how these elements cometogether in synchronous systems and how the inevitable asynchronous