The ISL6615 is a high-speed MOSFET driver optimized todrive upper and lower power N-Channel MOSFETs in asynchronous rectified buck converter topology. This driver,combined with an Intersil Digital or Analog multiphase PWMcontroller, forms a complete high frequency and highefficiency voltage regulator.The ISL6615 drives both upper and lower gates over a rangeof 4.5V to 13.2V. This drive-voltage provides the flexibilitynecessary to optimize applications involving trade-offsbetween gate charge and conduction losses.The ISL6615 features 6A typical sink current for the low-sidegate driver, enhancing the lower MOSFET gate hold-downcapability during PHASE node rising edge, preventing power loss caused by the self turn-on of the lower MOSFET due to the high dV/dt of the switching node.