The RT8801 is a multi-phase synchronous buck controllerwhich is implemented with full control functions for Intel®VR10.0/10.1-compliant CPU. The RT8801 could beoperated with 2, 3 or 4 buck switching stages operatingin interleaved phase set automatically. The multiphasearchitecture provides high output current while maintaininglow power dissipation on power devices and low stresson input and output capacitors.RT8801 is one of Richtek CPU core power solutions whichintegrates a specific series programming interface for thecontroller operation configuration. There are severalregisters implemented for the specific parametersconfiguration including VID for core power, and signal forload current indication. User can program the configurationof the parameters easily via the specific programminginterface. With the implementation of RT8801, the partprovides more flexibility and feature for customers advancedsegment product design.The RT8801 applies the DCR sensing technology newlyas well; with such a topology, the RT8801 extracts theDCR of output inductor as sense component to deliver amore precise load line regulation and better thermalbalance for next generation processor application. Forcurrent sense setting, droop tuning, VCORE initial offsetand over current protection are independent tocompensation circuit of voltage loop. The feature greatlyfacilitates the flexibility of CPU power supply design andtuning. The DAC output of RT8801 supports VRD10.x with6-bit VID input, precise initial value & smooth VCOREtransient at VID jump. The IC monitors the VCORE voltagefor over-voltage protection. Soft-start, over-currentprotection and programmable under-voltage lockout arealso provided to assure the safety of microprocessor andpower system. The RT8801 comes to the package ofVQFN-32L 5x5.
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