The EL5144 series amplifiers are voltage-feedback, highspeed, rail-to-rail amplifiers designed to operate on a single+5V supply. They offer unity gain stability with an unloaded -3dB bandwidth of 100MHz. The input common-mode voltagerange extends from the negative rail to within 1.5V of thepositive rail. Driving a 75Ω double terminated coaxial cable,the EL5144 series amplifiers drive to within 150mV of eitherrail. The 200V/μs slew rate and 0.1%/0.1° differentialgain/differential phase makes these parts ideal for compositeand component video applications. With their voltagefeedbackarchitecture, these amplifiers can accept reactivefeedback networks, allowing them to be used in analogfiltering applications These amplifiers will source 90mA andsink 65mA.The EL5146 and EL5246 have a power-savings disablefeature. Applying a standard TTL low logic level to the CE(Chip Enable) pin reduces the supply current to 2.6μA within10ns. Turn-on time is 500ns, allowing true break-beforemakeconditions for multiplexing applications. Allowing theCE pin to float or applying a high logic level will enable theamplifier.