该系统实现了洗衣机类电机的智能在线动态检测与数据处理功能,通过集散控制系统设计方案,较好地实现了80V 低压自动启动,匝间286V 绝缘,空载220V 运行,堵转、耐压、噪声等性能参数的在线动态检测,并较好地实现了对各项性能指标的显示和统计,从而大大地方便了用户,此外,该系统通过基于聚类的K 簇算法对积累的电机检测数据进行数据挖掘,根据检测参数的规律分析出易出问题的工位,为有效管理提出了依据,切实提高了生产效率和产品质量。关键词:智能在线动态检测;集散控制系统;数据挖掘Abstract :This system realizes intelligent online dynamic detect and data processing forelectric machine of washing-machine, using Distributed Control System, realizes the onlinedynamic detect of performance parameter:80V low voltage startup,286V insulation betweencircles, empty load 220V running, stop-rolling, bear voltage, yawp, and so on, and could be show or statistics,otherwise, the system mining the data of Electric machine detected by K-Cluster arithmetic basic on clustering, analyse the work position that easy trouble on the rules of data, offer the grounds for effect management, improve production efficiency and product quality.Keywords:Intelligent Online Dynamic detect; Distributed Control System;data mining