Electronic designs have been growing rapidly in both device count and functionality.This growth has been enabled by deep sub-micron fabrication technology,and fueled by expanding consumer electronics, communications, and computingmarkets. A major impact on the profitability of electronic designs is theincreasing productivity gap. That is, what can be designed is lagging behindwhat the silicon is capable of delivering.The main cause of this productivity gap is the cost of design verification.Verification complexity grows faster than the design complexity, which in turngrows exponentially, as Moore’s Law has successfully predicted. This leads tothe verification crisis, a phenomenon that has become ever so familiar in today’sElectronic Design Automation (EDA) landscape.There are several remedies, each coming from different aspects of the designand verification process. The first is the movement to higher levels of abstraction,especially the emerging Electronic System Level (ESL) model. The keyenablers include languages that capture system level behavior and facilitatetestbench automation for high level verification.The second are the methodology changes, exemplified by assertion-basedverification, and testbench automation highlighted by constrained random simulation.Both can find specialized constructs in, and are facilitated by, the ESLmodeling languages.The third is the advance of technology at the foundation of all the changes.Constrained random simulation, with robust constraint solving capability, iskey to any practical testbench automation tool. The same fundamental solvingtechniques are also shared by formal verification tools in assertion-basedverification. The formal semantics for assertions, now entrenched in the ESLlanguages, connect interface constraints used in constrained random simulation,and properties monitored in both simulation and formal verification.